wow! i can't believe it's been almost a year since i last posted! i'm really good at checking in and catching up with everyone else's blogs, but not so good at posting my own. here are some recent photos, just to get you caught up.....

it was a drunken idea, but they went through with it sober
it's our new, nice weekend thing....try new playgrounds
amelia will be 3 in about a month and she is all signed up for pre-school in the fall. 2 days a week and i think she will have fun! now, if we could only get her potty trained!! she honestly wants nothing to do with it....i've tried all the coolest "big girl" underwear, bribing her with m&m's, letting her go on the big potty and not her little potty, she just doesn't want to do it. hopefully this summer we can get it done, because i'm tired of changing diapers!
other than that, not much else is new. karl is still at the greenhouse and i'm still at aaa. hopefully i'll get better at posting on the blog, but if not, i'll try to do it at least once a year!!
Hey Amy, nice to see your happy mugs! I am really bad at keeping up with blogging too, oh well! Let's both make an effort to be better bloggers, haha! turn!
we miss you guys too!! hope you're all doing i'm going to check on your blog :)
nooooooo not yet! I haven't had any time to post! hahah!
oh, i checked it right away, nothing there :(
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