i was blog tagged by my friend steph. sorry, i'm not going to tag 4 people, because i don't have 4 people to tag that haven't already been tagged, and then they would just have to show the same photo anyway :) so, this is a picture of amelia just hanging out at home. sometimes at night i just get out the camera and start taking pictures of her for no reason, other than i think she's cute! this was recent, probably within the last month or so. most of the picture folders on my computer are now of her, so there was a very high probability that the posted picture was going to be of her :)
it looks like the cat has taken over the swing? i love amelia's little leg rolls. so stinkin' cute!
oh, that's amelia's bouncy seat that she no longer fits into, so snowflake has decided that it would make a good place for her to sleep.
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