3/15 - we finally had amelia baptized. her godparents are, cory kegerise, aby deLay (my sister), alyssa raifsnider and martin lord. she was so good during church! she fell asleep after the actual baptism. i think she was a little disappointed that there wasn't more water to play in :)
3/13 - i know, a little out of order, but what can i say?! we went to the fream household for dinner and it was awesome!! amy made enchiladas, salad, rice, and the mose awesome cake/cheesecake/cookie dessert that i've ever had! but, once dinner was over the fun really began...we thought one child at almost 1 year was funny to watch, but put amelia and cora together and they are hysterical!! this is what happens when you let 2 almost 1 year olds into the newspaper bin! they loved it! i can not believe that they are going to be one in less than a month!!
the last two are just too cute! snowflake likes to sit on top of the radiator to get warm. amelia likes to bother snowflake no matter where she is! and last, she just likes to be naked, and has discovered her belly button and her diaper.